This book not only covers the brief history of Chinese martial arts, but also brings together the wisdom of a Kung Fu grand master with a scientist and teacher to explain the scientific reasons why Kung Fu is the powerful practice that it is. Using the principles of physics, biomechanics and biology, with a number of drawings showing some basic postures of Kung Fu, the authors present a deep understanding of how the styles, the specific movements and methods of attack and defence operate.
Fen Sun is a PhD. student at East China Normal University of Shanghai. Fen Sun’s major is Chinese philosophy and her research direction is Chinese philosophy and religion. She has published some articles on this topic. Fen Sun previously worked as a teaching assistant at City University of Hong Kong.
Patrick TK LEUNG
Sifu Leung Ting Kwok (Patrick) is the founder, chairman and principal instructor of Soft Wing Chun Academy (Hong Kong), and the vice chairman of World Wing Chun Union, the Hong Kong Wing Chun Union and Ving Tsun Development Council.
He was one of the first people to become a Wing Chun Senior Instructor and is a Qualified Referee certificate holder of Ving Tsun Athletic Association, which was founded by Grand Master Ip Man.
After forty years of training, Grand Master Ip Chun awarded him a certificate to teach for Ip Chun worldwide. He is a seventh Duan holder, Examiner, and Instructor of National Wu Shu Duan Wei, China. He has been teaching Wing Chun for over thirty years in renowned organisations.
Sifu has also appeared at seminars around the world and been interviewed by Philippine, Spanish and British publications.
Roy Vellaisamy is a scientist of molecular electronics, molecular self-assembly, photonics, nano-materials science, bio-electronics, renewable energy (solar and fuel cells) and printed electronics. He started his research on light-emitting materials during his PhD at Nagpur University, India and moved to explore the growth of various organic molecules for light emitting transistors (LET) in the ISMN, Council for National Research, Bologna. In 2004, he joined the Department of Chemistry at The University of Hong Kong and he focused on various molecular materials for electronic device applications.
Currently he is with the Department of Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong leading a group of physicists, chemists and engineers for the fabrication of functional self-assembly materials to devices and integration of such devices for printed electronics and energy harvesting devices.
He is also an accomplished Kung Fu practitioner and teaches the GE course “Science in Chinese Kung Fu” in City University of Hong Kong.
1.What is Kung Fu?
2.How does Kung Fu relate to the sciences?
3.What are the physical benefits of practising Kung Fu?
4.Is Kung Fu only good for the body?
5.What are the different functions of Kung Fu?
6.What is the origin and historical development of Kung Fu?
7.How did Chinese weapons evolve throughout history?
Part II: Starting Out
8.What is the most important lesson in Kung Fu?
9.What is the centre of gravity?
10. What is equilibrium?
11. What is supporting area?
12. What is the importance of the centre of gravity?
13. What are stability angle and equilibrium?
14. How do Kung Fu masters keep their balance while falling?
15. How does the basic stance of Wing Chun differ from other Kung Fu stances?
16. How do our bodies generate forces? What are their functions?
17. Are forces in physics the same as forces in Chinese martial arts?
18. Why do Kung Fu masters possess so much strength?
19. What are the different kinds of Jing?
20. What is the most important body part in the practice of Kung Fu?
21. Why do Kung Fu masters practise their routines over and over again?
22. What is the use of the wooden dummy in Wing Chun?
Part III: Style
23. How many Kung Fu styles are there?
24. Why are some schools of martial arts lost to the world?
25. Is Shaolin really the birthplace of all Chinese Kung Fu?
26. What are the different schools of Shaolin Kung Fu?
27. What are the 72 Shaolin secret arts?
28. Are there specific schools of Kung Fu suitable for certain age groups or prevention of certain diseases?
29. Why are the internal arts so important?
30. What is Qi?
31. Is Qi a material?
32. How is Qi manipulated through breathing?
33. What is Qi Gong?
34. What is the difference between hard Qi Gong and soft Qi Gong?
35. Is hard Qi Gong scientific?
36. What is the science behind iron palm?
37. What is headbutt? Is it related to Qi Gong? What is the science behind it?
38. How does Qi influence Jing (power and force) in martial arts?
39. Could I teach myself Qing Gong?
40. How can practising Nei Gong help me be a better fighter?
41. What are the differences between internal boxing and external boxing?
42. Which one is more powerful, internal or external boxing?
43. Which is more powerful, Shaolin boxing or its descendant Wu Dang Nei Jia boxing?
44. What are the different schools of Wu Dang?
45. Why do Kung Fu moves imitate nature or animals?
46. What is Shaolin five-form boxing?
47. What are the five elements?
48. Other than Shaolin five-form boxing, is there any Kung Fu that imitates animals or nature?
49. What do Yin and Yang mean?
50. How can Yin and Yang be applied in martial arts?
51. How do you read a Ba Gua (eight trigrams) map?
52. How are the eight trigrams applied in Kung Fu?
53. What is drunken style?
54. What is Tai Chi? How does Tai Chi influence Kung Fu?
55. Why is Tai Chi Quan so slow and calm?
56. What is Dian Xue and how does it work?
57. How many vital points are there in the human body?
58. Does Xue stay at the same position all the time?
Part IV: Ultimate Battle
59. What is the scientific theory every Kung Fu practitioner must learn in order to fight with others?
60. Does a knowledge of anatomy make a better Kung Fu fighter?
61. What is the application of force couple in Kung Fu?
62. What is the application of the lever principle in Kung Fu?
63. Is it possible for a slim man to defeat a stout man?
64. How do you give a strong punch?
65. How can you hit your opponent with the greatest effect?
66. Can the force of one’s punch be increased?
67. Is it possible that the force of a punch from a slim man is the same as from a stout man?
68. Which is the most powerful Quan (punch) of all?
69. Is it possible to “attack a naked blade empty-handed”?
70. How does the law of inertia apply to Kung Fu?
71. What are the benefits of the law of inertia?
72. How does one save effort during combat?
73. What is the importance of the centreline in Wing Chun?
74. Why do martial artists refuse to kill their enemies?
The Chinese, “Kung Fu” means perfection or hard work, which exemplifies the practice-based nature of Kung Fu. It has a long history and has branched into hundreds of different styles and schools, most of them originating from the Shaolin monastery for Buddhist monks where they use Kung Fu to maintain their health. Today it is popular across a broad spectrum of people for a wide variety of reasons.
This book arose from the course “Science in Chinese Kung Fu” I teach in City University of Hong Kong. As a scientist and a practitioner, it is something which has always intrigued me. As there are so many practitioners of Kung Fu around the world it was thought that this might be of interest to a wider audience or indeed that it may appeal to those with an interest in Kung Fu but who have felt, perhaps, that it lacked a solid scientific basis.
We discuss the scientific flavour of Kung Fu and explain how science makes Chinese Kung Fu more effective and more versatile. This book is interdisciplinary in nature, and includes aspects of classical mechanics to understand how Kung Fu works in action. In addition, bio-mechanics, a concept used to describe martial arts in motion, is explained using fundamental physics concepts. Finally, the book offers a different view, based on science, of how Kung Fu can help to maintain physical and mental health.
This is a collaboration of three parties. Fen Sun carried out much research and writing, particularly on the historical, civilisation and ethics parts. T. K. Leung is a Wing Chun Sifu (master) who gave advice on postures, stances and real combat situations for which I then provided the scientific interpretation.
- ISBN:9789629372521
- 叢書系列:
- 規格:平裝 / 178頁 / 15.5 x 21 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
- 出版地:香港
- 本書分類:> > >
... 居家生活是每個人都需要設計符合自己的生活習慣,而老年人和年輕人的需求就不太一樣,年紀大了,生活難免不便,在這次疫情中,我們也有看到老年人獨居死亡的悲痛消息。所以我們也要為老年人的居住來改變相應的設計。 ... 改變部分家具尺寸 將一部分正常家具的尺寸改選為小一號的尺寸,目的是為了騰出更多的走道空間,為了方便以後會增加輪椅、擔架的出入空間,預留出生命通道。 ... 預留通道方便輪椅通行 比如沙發的尺寸,我們正常的三人沙發位通常在2米4左右,而老年人的三人沙發我建議選擇1米9左右,或者選擇1米6的雙人沙發,座位深度尺寸選擇60厘米左右,坐高控制在42厘米左右,這樣坐下會更舒適。兩側的扶手應比正常扶手略高5cm,這樣方便老年人起身時有槓桿的力量。 ... 餐桌增加移動功能 而餐桌則選擇有滾輪或者是可以摺疊的設計,在平時展開作為正常的餐桌,特殊時期可以移動和摺疊能保障通道的寬廣。 ......... 通風消毒 這次疫情中,老年人感染的機率較大,所以老年人一定要注意消毒和環境衛生。我建議選擇衣物消毒櫃和餐具消毒櫃。 臭氧+紫外線+高溫消毒是效果最好的,高溫具有烘乾效果,碗碟在潮濕的密封環境也容易滋生細菌,所以一定要烘乾哦。 日常衣物和餐具勤消毒,個人衛生勤洗手,居家環境多通風,常打掃,這樣就能保障環境衛生了。 ... 提高色彩環境 色彩在老年人的空間設計是比較重要的,同時也是很容易忽略的細節。隨年齡的增加,老年人的視力逐漸退化,超過40歲人眼視網膜視覺細胞和視神經纖維減少,導致視網膜功能開始退化,老年人的眼睛對光感覺逐漸減弱。 ... 所以老年人對綠色、紫色分辨能力明顯下降,對紅色、黃色的光譜有較好的識別能力,我們經常對看到老年人發的表情包都是大紅大綠,還帶閃閃的特效,其實並不是他們的欣賞水平變了,而是他們對顏色的辨別能力變弱了。 ... 老年人微信表情包一般都是這樣的風格 而對於大面積的牆面,老人普遍都喜歡中低明度、彩度色彩的牆壁和頂面,如米黃色、淺粉色、淡綠色等都是適合老年人的牆壁色彩,顯得家裡比較溫馨。 ............ 臥室地面的色彩我推薦淺色木本色的地板,淺色地板會使整個空間明亮,老人對居住空間的照度的需求普遍比年輕人要高,大約是普通室內光照水平的2~3倍,臥室頂面和牆壁採用明亮的顏色也可以通過漫反射使室內照度更均勻,增加整個臥室的明亮度。 ...... 增加床的功能 老年人的床也是很重要的一部分,床榻建議比普通的要高一些,便於護理人員的操作方便,加裝護欄和扶手,第一是防止老年人從床上滾落,第二是幫助老年人起身 ... 還可以加裝上半身電動搖桿,在行動不便的時候可以搖起來坐臥式吃飯喝水。同時配套的床頭櫃高度增加到60cm,方便老年人取物。 ...... 綠植裝飾環境 綠植營造的色彩本身除了具有美化環境的裝飾效果外,還可以起到凈化空氣、調節濕度的作用。 所以我很也推薦在老年人的家居空間中增加綠植,一是能夠增加室內的生機,二是能老人增添生活情趣,緩解老人內心的封閉感和失落感,讓老人在家中能更多的感受到大自然。 ......... 其他細節 還有一些細節上,比如加裝感應夜燈,為老人起夜提供照明,家具的銳角全部改為圓角。 ... 感應夜燈 ... 感應夜燈 ... 圓角餐桌 ... 圓角餐桌 增加電動的幫助式設計,比如電動晾衣桿,電動窗簾,不過操作一定要簡單,最好都是一鍵操作。這些起到「幫助式」的設計,在力量上減少老年人的負擔,可不能在腦力上增加老人的負擔。 ... 電動晾衣架 ...... 電動窗簾 ... 更多設計乾貨,記得關注我,或者在評論區留言哦~
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